Shakespeare and Chill

cabaret & variety · bag o' bones · Ages 18+ · United States of America

world premiere
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SHARON MCKAY certified reviewer June 03, 2017
A great, relaxed atmosphere to enjoy some of Shakespeare's works, mixed with a modern soundtrack that makes the words feel more relevant in our current world. ... full review
EMILY TSCHIRHART certified reviewer June 05, 2017
Bravo! ... full review
BENJAMIN SCHWARTZ gia on the move certified reviewer June 08, 2017
tagged as: sexy · contemporary
Most people would describe this show as a "chill" show, considering they are spoonfed the buzzword In the title, but that word doesn't really quite ring true with this theatrical piece. This is not a "chill" show. This is a theatre piece that combines performance art, visual storytelling and movement that lightly strings along excerpts from the Bard. First thing that caught my attention was the music. This is a pretty hip soundtrack, featuring Kendrick Lamar and other music that cool kids listen to nowadays; and if anything there is where the descriptive term, "chill", comes into play. As a whole, the show is sexy and breathes the same air that you would expect from couture and high fashion art installments. Lots of stark white, mi... full review
AUBREY RINEHART certified reviewer June 07, 2017
A truly chill evening with some drinks and great Shakespeare performances. Really, what more can you ask for?... full review
SAVANNAH GILMORE certified reviewer June 07, 2017
A great twist on finding love in the modern world. Go see it!... full review
DEVIN CRITTENDEN certified reviewer June 16, 2017
Fantastic and impressive production. Great singing. Great dancing. Quite an enjoyable spectacle to behold.... full review
ALEXANDER KARAVAY certified reviewer June 17, 2017
tagged as: Bold · poetic · sexy
The Three Clubs is a classy and perfect place to host Shakespeare and chill. A poetic intertwinement of Shakespeare’s works through movement, speech, song, and dance livened the senses with a passionate and sexy atmosphere.... full review
BRET SHEFTER certified reviewer June 18, 2017
tagged as: shakespeare · dance · movement · mime · variety · surreal
An interesting concept: Intersperse and contrast lines from Shakespeare on a particular topic with modern song, dance, and even mime. The players wander through the audience, further blurring the lines. It was interesting to see Shakespeare shoehorned into unusual settings. Featuring some very talented performers, particularly the mime and the dance duet.... full review
DOUG HARVEY certified reviewer June 24, 2017
this is an experimental review of Shakespeare sonnets, soliloquies, and speeches, bridged by excellent movement pieces, mime, and well curated music.... full review