An oddball comedy with bittersweet moments of heartbreak and loss, Quantum Entanglement features an incredibly strong cast. The performances here are the highlight of the show. Offering a story filled with mysterious family relationships, the conversations relating to family dynamics with ideas pulled from studies of quantum physics are mind-spinning in their complexity. There are hugely satisfying scenes throughout this piece – even if individual scenes seem a bit more juicy than the whole. When the lights came up , I was disappointed there was not more… I want to stress the strength of the cast for this piece, tackling some beautiful passages of dialogue, they all rise to the occasion. Payden Ackerman is endearing and maddening, Amanda Za...
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BOB LEGGETTindie voice blogcertified reviewerJune 17, 2017
A truly breathtaking and beautiful production that may be difficult to grasp for many attendees. Nevertheless, it is worthy of attending....
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A quirky and unique show -- a very interesting concept to use this scientific concept to explore parent-child relationships and mental illness. It didn't quite hit the mark in places, but the care and attention paid as well as the love and vulnerability of all involved was incredibly present. I think the honesty and charm of the cast overrode some of the weaknesses in the writing....
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ASHLEY STEEDstage raw and la bitter lemonscertified reviewerJune 26, 2017
In layman terms, quantum entanglement is the phenomenon that two particles can remain intimately linked to where actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances (even light-years away). Einstein dismissed the phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance” but there has since been huge discoveries in quantum physics. One possibility in the future is building a quantum internet - a communications system that would be faster than the speed of light. This theory is at the heart of Quantum Entanglement by Katelyn Schiller, but it’s used in far more romantic and poetic terms, as a way to link a family together.
As we each hold a flickering light, an astrophysicist (Payden Ackerman) greets us as the stars. He’s b...
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