Buffy Kills Edward: A Musical Romp

musicals and operas · wiley original musicals · Ages 21+ · United States of America

world premiere
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AMBER BRACKEN certified reviewer June 12, 2017
I loved this show! I've never actually watched Buffy (gasp!) but that did not stop me from thoroughly enjoying BKE. All the actors did a great job and the music is super catchy. Plus Cory Robison as Jacob the werewolf is a can't miss.... full review
EDWARD HONG the nerds of color certified reviewer June 13, 2017
A fun musical with catchy tunes, wonderful fight choreography and some standout performances (Sherry Berg in particular as Buffy is great!). Parts are hard to understand/jokes don’t necessarily make sense if you are not a fan of Twilight and/or Buffy. With some reworking and minor tweaks, I think this could be a really amazing show.... full review
HARLEY SHINE certified reviewer June 13, 2017
tagged as: brilliant · Fantastic · hilarious · true · honest · savage
Buffy Kills Edward was well worth the price of admission and is the kind of show I'd see twice and try to bring more people with me to see, $15 much better spent than at the movies this summer. ... full review
JESSE FIENE certified reviewer June 13, 2017
Absolutely loved this show. Everybody in this show is super talented. If I could see it again I would but the tickets keep on selling out fast!!! So make sure to get your tickets now instead of waiting until a day or day of show because it will sell out. Congrats to cast and crew for a job well done And to Laura Wiley for your fantastic show. ... full review
RONN JOHNSTONE certified reviewer June 13, 2017
tagged as: Fun and clever.
Pure, undiluted, in-your-face FUN!!!!! See it!!!!!... full review
JESSICA JILL TURNER certified reviewer June 14, 2017
YES! So much fun. This show is a blast from start to finish. Clever jokes abound in everything from the lyrics to the casting to the staging to the fight choreography to the lighting to... just everything. There is not a moment in this show that isn't mined for smart, satirical humor. Confession: I am only vaguely familiar with both Buffy and Twilight, but the jokes, characters and tropes are so prevalent in pop culture (yet still so specific) that I was heartily entertained and laughed from beginning to end. And the music rocked. Really rocked. Awesome show!... full review
IAN VAWTER certified reviewer June 14, 2017
tagged as: funny · fast paced · great music · farce
It had me laughing through the entire hour. Taking iconic characters and portraying them as their most base emotions makes for great encounters between the two worlds. The music is fun and fast keeping the musical running through at a great pace and the lyrics have jokes and double meanings throughout that make you laugh later. A great show to see if you want to have a fun night out.... full review
DAVE THOMPSON certified reviewer June 14, 2017
tagged as: #darkWillow
Go early, have a drink, any seat for the show is a great seat, and nosh afterwards! You can do all of that, and still be done before 9:30!... full review
PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewer June 17, 2017
8 out of 10 - A GOOD SHOW. Click on the link below for more info. http://latheatrebites.com/hollywood-fringe-2017-buffy-kills-edward-the-musical-three-clubs-in-hollywood-review1/... full review
RUSSELL ANGELICO certified reviewer June 18, 2017
tagged as: parody · musical
Buffy Kills Edward could have gotten by as just a "romp", but it outdoes every expectation. The class of the setting and the gut-busting jokes fuse together in a cannot-miss mix. ... full review