
Solomon: King, Poet & Lover - A Play About 1 Man & 700 Wives

solo performance · Freed Productions · Ages 10+ · United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

family friendly one person show
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BRADLEY COOK certified reviewer June 06, 2017
tagged as: phenomenal · creative · inspiring · jazzy · holy
I'm still on a high 3 days later from seeing this. It is a play that will stick with me for my lifetime. ... full review
LAURA WILEY certified reviewer June 07, 2017
Marcus is an incredible storyteller who can transport you into a whole new world. The way he tells the story is reminiscent to a bard from another time, and it is absolutely entrancing. You will feel like you've been swept up into the past, into the world of Solomon. Marcus is delightfully entertaining and energetic and infuses so much physicality into the piece. A definitely don't miss for Fringe! ... full review
JAMES COUGAR CANFIELD certified reviewer June 19, 2017
Marcus is an incredibly talented performer. His object work physical theatre, and characterizations were spot on and hilarious. ... full review
SHLOME HAYUN certified reviewer June 20, 2017
tagged as: Talent · clever · factual · informative · funny
Very impressed this Marcus's creativity, story telling, and performance. ... full review
MICHAEL GHODS certified reviewer June 22, 2017
Wow, Marcus' performance yesterday was spectacular. He is so talented and the writing was very funny and entertaining. May Hashem bless him with abundant energy to continue to entertain, lots of creativity and wit to continue to guide others into realms they have yet to imagine, and resources to keep cultivating his projects. Brilliant!!!... full review
NIKKI MULLER certified reviewer June 23, 2017
An impressive display of character work and physicality in this inventive adaptation of religious-historical subject matter. Marcus is a consummate storyteller and performer, seamlessly transitioning from character to character using both vocal and physical differentiation. He maintains a high level of energy throughout the hour, keeping the audience engaged and involved in this entertaining retelling of pivotal moments in Solomon's life. I learned a lot of things I never knew I never knew about the Bible during this show, but it never felt didactic. Bravo!... full review
JEREMY EBENSTEIN certified reviewer June 22, 2017
A clever combination of Shakespearean & modern acting... full review
AUBREY MOZINO we make movies certified reviewer June 22, 2017
Completely blown away by Marcus' artistry and mastery of such a historic and complex story. Truly impressed by the beautiful, musical dialogue he wrote and his ability to seamlessly integrate modern references for comedic relief. I went in knowing about 4% about Solomon and left feeling like I truly learned and experienced something amazing. Wish I could create something so unique! Well done, and congratulations! ... full review
ISABELLE LOEB certified reviewer July 05, 2017
tagged as: humor · refreshing · culture · energetic · Engaging · creative · Bold · funny · witty · clever · daring
Fantastic work, boldly creative, engaging and soo so playful! A piece with great ancient culture to it blended with modern fresh humor and current topics! ... full review
AMIR ORBACH certified reviewer July 11, 2017
Marcus is an amazingly talented guy. He can do everything, from Shakespeare, to funny, to dramatic, and he certainly knows his Bible and his Judaism. An awesome experience. Look out for this guy!... full review
solomon: king, poet & lover - a play about 1 man & 700 wives