Rachel and Ron do a beautiful job of creating an elegant portrait with just themselves in this gem of a piece. I found myself totally drawn into the story-- Rachel is deeply captivating, carrying us with her emotional journey through joy, shock, sorrow, confusion and longing, while Ron maintains a steady foil as the wise stranger-- I believe my favorite part was his direct address where we saw his personality more, and I love how they chose to end it. It is a beautiful and poignant 30 minutes that is a great show to fit into your viewing schedule if you can-- and at that length, I KNOW you can and you should!...
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certified reviewerJune 11, 2017
The Death of Eurydice carried us through themes of love, loss, friendship, fear and trust. Eurydice's pain and emotion were so well portrayed that I found myself crying with her at times. Rachel and Ron were so connected and real in their interactions; it was captivating. ...
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certified reviewerJune 10, 2017
Worth the effort to see, thanks for the opportunity!...
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