Overall, I thought it was a well-written group of 3 shows with some strong performers. Very entertaining. F**ked Up Fairy Tales, Feet First, and Chaturbate fit well together in a hilariously naughty way....
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A bright discovery of this Fringe Festival has been hiding in plain sight for years, anonymously showcasing new musical talent every Summer from a hq on Vineland in the Valley! This season New Musicals Inc has brought its series of "student projects" to Fringe in four separate hours, with three different original 20-minute musicals in each hour: A-B-C-and-D---a total of 12 different one-acts! But please note that it's actually 1001 MINUTES of New Musicals, which, divided out (4 programs of 3 shows times the # of performances of each) totals 16.7 minutes PER---which needs to be properly explained! Overall, 50% is usually considered a pretty good batting average---but not necessarily in the Theatre!
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