Orange Mango Cabaret

cabaret & variety · rough riders · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere

The Orange Mango Cabaret provides insight into what the fuck just happened over the past year and how we ended up with our current Mango in Chief. The cabaret features four short plays betwixt with musical and vaudeville numbers. Each play is focused on a different aspect that contributed to the predicament we as a nation have found ourselves in.

The Cave
By Travis Snyder-Eaton

Three prisoners drone away in a cave, will they ever be unshackled?

Fake News
By Ed Goodman (Spirit of the Fringe 2015, Best in Comedy 2015)

In a world of fake news, what is real news?

Dog Eat Dog
By Teresa Beardsley

Two hunters discuss conspiracy theories as they track rare game.

By Nathan Wellman (Spirit of the Fringe 2016)

Ruth loses her virginity to Caesar after they begin dating, however the church isn’t too happy once they discover their relationship.

This Shouldn’t Be Theatre
By Ariana Harris

Exploring three different relationships between women and men, “This Shouldn’t be Theatre,” combats the undeniable misogyny women face.

By Gabe Gomez

After buying groceries, Justitia, a Black woman, encounters Richard, a neo-Nazi.


Production Team

* Fringe Veteran