This triumphant solo comedy chronicles three generations of Latinas as they experience their first kiss.
What would you do if, after years of keeping your own journal, you discovered the journals of your mother and grandmother as teenage girls? You’d compare everyone’s first kiss of course! In this hysterical and painstakingly honest comedy, we get to join three young women as they navigate the choppy waters of passion, desire, and teenage dorkiness from 1930s Mexico to modern day San Diego. Cynthia Brinkman brings these girls – and the hilarious characters that fill their worlds – to life in vivid color as we see a first kiss evolve through time and across cultural and sexual borders. Based on the first-hand accounts found in journals and oral recordings, it just goes to show that nothing is funnier than the honest truth.
“Sharp, clever and charming, Brinkman is a confident and charismatic talent who lets nothing, including the fourth wall, stand between her and a good story.”
-SF Bay Guardian
Written and performed by Cynthia Brinkman
Directed by Brian Mulligan
Show times: Mondays and Thursday nights.
Preview Nights: June 9th, June 13th @ 7:00P.M. PWYC
Festival Nights: June 16th, 20th, 23rd @ 7:00 P.M. $10
@ The Ruby Theatre @ The Complex