Bumpersticker: The Musical

musicals and operas · fringe management, llc · Ages 21+ · United States of America

world premiere
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LISA STANLEY certified reviewer June 24, 2016
A great evening and it was just the right length. I hope this show has legs and move to a regular run somewhere -- With this incredible cast!... full review
PENNY STARR, JR certified reviewer June 18, 2016
By all means, this concept shouldn't be as good as it is. A musical based on bumperstickers? Really? But man oh man, in the hands of Stockdale & Green and the direction of Michele Spears, the subject matter is elevated to approach the humanity that is veiled behind each sticky pop culture slogan. ... full review
BOB LEGGETT indie voice blog certified reviewer June 16, 2016
The hidden gem of HFF16. Don't miss it.... full review
RACHEL FLANAGAN discover hollywood magazine certified reviewer June 16, 2016
Bumpersticker: The Musical is a super fun musical experience, especially for a Los Angeles area crowd. Everyone knows the feeling of being stuck in your car, annoyed at the traffic, reading billboards and bumper stickers and listening to the radio to do anything to distract you from the terrible freeway traffic you are stuck in. Bumpersticker takes that experience to a new level by creating songs about popular sayings and slogans you see promoted on the cars zooming along the freeway. Maybe you have some bumper stickers yourself or maybe you’ve laughed at, poked fun at or admired the ones that other people have. If you have bumper stickers on your own car or you’ve seen them on someone else’s, you will enjoy a good time listening to the s... full review
ELLEN DOSTAL certified reviewer June 16, 2016
Bumpersticker: The Musical conquers the Hollywood Fringe Festival with its terrific triple threat combination making it great for people who don’t like musicals and even better for those who do. It’s the right show in the right venue with the right cast, and a rousing good time from beginning to end. The venue is Asylum at The Dragonfly, a nightclub where the music rocks, the bar stays open during the show, and the atmosphere is decidedly dark and fringy. It’s perfect for Gary Stockdale and Spencer Green’s homage to the aphorisms that define our lives, all printed on little sticky pieces of paper and proudly plastered on the cars we drive.... full review
HALI BURTON certified reviewer June 06, 2016
I would love to see this in a real, mounted production!!!!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 14, 2016
A few fixes and fine tuning and this show will be great!... full review
PETE MCCABE certified reviewer June 14, 2016
A great night of music and laughs.... full review
GARY BOOHER certified reviewer June 14, 2016
tagged as: LOUD
Truly a diamond in the rough ... IF you can find it. LOUD sonic assault rendered the show unintelligible, and tuneful music and clever lyrics were destroyed. TOO LOUD !!! This is a 10% show after the rest is destroyed, not for lack of singing talent but of a good sound engineer (the band does NOT rule). Send it back for a sound check! I hope to actually hear this clever musical with these talented singers some day.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 19, 2016
This show was hilarious! I loved the music and the message. Anyone who has even an iota of self-awareness must see themselves in one of these "bumper stickers" or songs. I saw myself in a few. This was very very clever work of art!... full review
bumpersticker: the musical