Best Comedy Award HFF16****- The Lamprey is a cop named Lynn Alvarado who is trying to get people to call her the Lamprey. She also has to solve the murder of her partner, but only has one weekend to do it! Her family has gotten non-refundable tickets for a Disney Cruise that leaves on Monday morning, and she like, HAS to be on it. The Lamprey must navigate the criminal world of Los Angeles, some by-the-book internal affairs agents, a masked killer looking to take her out and the to do list that her husband gave her. SOMEONE must get vengeance for her partner and also get the kids to Romp and Roll, and that someone is the Lamprey. Can one woman really have it all, when everyone is trying to kill her?
This might just be the best weekend of her life!
Directed by Victor Isaac; Written by Peter Fluet
Starring Carrie Keranen, Pete Caslavka, Dana DeRuyck, Maya Imani Estephanos, Peter Fluet, Marshall Givens, Derek Mehn, and Amanda Blake Davis
“Lamprey boasts the most awkwardly sexual, hysterical, retro genre referencing, police detective script quite possibly written – to date (at least in LA!)”- Gia on the Move
“This show is what Fringe is all about, and is mega-highly recommended for all those who want to spend a solid hour in the presence of theatrical greatness.”- Bob Leggett, Indie Voice
“..naughty, violent fun that moves at lightning speed. It’s primo Fringe.”-
“Keranen is a whirlwind, completely fearless physically…”