
The Inside Edge of the World

comedy · Fist The Mountain Productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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the inside edge of the world


June 20, 2015 certified reviewer

My overall impression

I’m not going to say I understand everything that was happening in this show, (cuz once I hear a talking dog I think immediately of David Berkowitz, which might be the point)… but one thing’s for sure, you will watch a talented guy go back and forth between characters and a crazy story with such assuredness and fluidity, the story can take a back seat. This Michael fella is no joke. One of the strongest actors I’ve seen on the stage this fringe. And the directing was very well done. The opening was fascinating… and there were many other moments of note. But as a whole, if you want to see true commitment and an exploration on a stage, this is the show to watch. Now please… tell me… is this guy hallucinating all of this or are all these people there? Must know ssssecrets. (and please don’t kill me after telling me!) (I wanna LIVE to see more!)

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the inside edge of the world