
The Inside Edge of the World

comedy · Fist The Mountain Productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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KATHERINE HUNT uncertified reviewer June 15, 2015
I'd never seen a one-person show before, and they're often the subject of mockery, so I was not quite sure what to expect when a friend invited me to go see "The Inside Edge of the World". Maybe going in with no expectations allowed me to enjoy this without reservation, but--WOW! This was a heck of a good show. The plot flows a bit like a good bit of improv. "Yes, and––" Okay, so this guy has a talking dog? Yes, AND he's super into serial killers. And he thinks he's found one on his street. Oh, and he's apparently in a cult? I didn't see that coming AT. ALL. Funny, and fascinating, and constantly revealing new weirdness and intrigue, the only thing I found disappointing about this piece was that it was only 50 minutes long.... full review
ANDREW AMANI certified reviewer June 16, 2015
Odd and disturbing in a riveting way...... full review
CHARLOTTE GULEZIAN uncertified reviewer June 16, 2015
Michael Lopez is one of my favorite performers on the LA stage. His writing turns out to be as unique and smart and darkly humorous as his acting style. I was surprised over and over in this show, impressed by the seamless transition from character to character and similarly how the tone of the play would also shift without my realizing it. I want more! ... full review
SCOTT BAKER uncertified reviewer June 16, 2015
What a unique show! It's so refreshing to see someone like Michael take a chance with the one-man format and pull off a thoroughly entertaining performance that was captivating, thought-provoking and funny right at the moments it should have been. I didn't find myself laughing at Michael (as I often do with bad theater) but along with the audience at genuinely comedic moments that weren't gags. It's a dark subject matter to be sure and it was handled with just the right mix of wonder, fantasy and humor. I left the show with questions about life, death, religious experience and the phenomenon of loneliness. Definitely a show not to miss at this years' Fringe! ... full review
ABBY SCHACHNER certified reviewer June 20, 2015
I'm not going to say I understand everything that was happening in this show, (cuz once I hear a talking dog I think immediately of David Berkowitz, which might be the point)... but one thing's for sure, you will watch a talented guy go back and forth between characters and a crazy story with such assuredness and fluidity, the story can take a back seat. This Michael fella is no joke. One of the strongest actors I've seen on the stage this fringe. And the directing was very well done. The opening was fascinating... and there were many other moments of note. But as a whole, if you want to see true commitment and an exploration on a stage, this is the show to watch. Now please... tell me... is this guy hallucinating all of this or are all thes... full review
KURT GARDNER certified reviewer June 20, 2015
tagged as: surreal · dark · solo show · serial killer · dog · suicide cult
Intriguingly oblique and primo Fringe. Check out my interview with the creatives on Bitter Lemons.... full review
DAVID CHAN certified reviewer June 22, 2015
I had no idea what to expect since he was keeping us is suspense in a very humorous way. When we saw the show, we were immediately thrown into his world as he specifically carried us from scene to scene. Even though the space was mostly empty, my imagination was activated to see all the visceral things around him. The different people, his companion, and the character's curiosity. He definitely kept me captivated with his energy and his performance which just reminds me how great of an actor and artist he is. Great job and great show!... full review
MEGAN UEBELACKER uncertified reviewer June 22, 2015
I might be biased because I also have a preoccupation with serial killers, cults, and dogs, but I really enjoyed the show. Those things might sound disparate, but the story ties them together seamlessly into a quiet, touching meditation both loneliness and hope. I highly recommend it.... full review
AMADOR PLASCENCIA uncertified reviewer June 22, 2015
Unique story fantastic work by the actor, portrayed several different characters on the stage by creating different voices and gestures throughout the play. ... full review
JACK DANIEL STANLEY uncertified reviewer June 22, 2015
Resonating with the unifying theme of fantastic worlds created out of loneliness and loss, INSIDE EDGE OF THE WORLD explores yearning, whimsy, cults, serial killers, and stuffed menageries without cynicism or judgement. What might've descended into a muddled hodgepodge with too many moving parts in a lesser artist and director's hands, is engaging and laser focused without hitting the audience over the head. Pasquarelli's direction establishes clear conventions that keep the show moving and focused while clearly delineating its diverse, overlapping worlds. Lopez's charm, physical abandon, sense of play and earnestness carry the audience effortlessly through the more fancifully implausible connective threads in this darkly sentimen... full review
the inside edge of the world