
Merely Players

musicals and operas · Color & Light Theatre Ensemble · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere

About the Project

WINNER! Best Full-Length World-Premiere Musical – StageSceneLA

WINNER! Encore! Producer’s Award

NEW Show added: July 12 at 7PM

“Whether you’ve ever done community theater or never trod the boards in your life, you will love Merely Players. And you might even buy a ticket to go back. I have…” – Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA

Merely Players is a meta-exploration of the theatre scene that follows a struggling (and mostly terrible) theatre troupe, the Boyle Community Players, as they attempt to put on a musical that maybe really should never have been written in the first place.

Every show, up to three audience members will have the chance to join the Players and help drive their new musical “Bus Stop!” to the musical theatre promised land.

Want to join the madness?
Want to just watch others throw themselves into the fire?
Tickets now available.

squares2done MPreviews (1)

Get to know the Boyle Community Players over on their Facebook home:

About C&L:

“Color and Light is infuriatingly great.”

“Just when you think the team at Color and Light Ensemble can’t get any better, they do.”



Production Team

Alex Syiek

alex syiek *

Jen Lin

jen lin *

musical director
Brandon Baruch

brandon baruch *

lighting designer
Corwin Evans

corwin evans *

sound designer
Nick  Pavelich

nick pavelich *

as "the stage manager"
Courtney Reed

courtney reed *

as "the director"
Caleb  Mills Stewart

caleb mills stewart *

as cecil, playing "the cripple"
Seth Salsbury

seth salsbury *

as hunter, playing "the construction worker"
Sara Guarnieri

sara guarnieri *

as kiley, playing "the business woman"
Josh Hillinger

josh hillinger *

as sonny, playing "the single dad"
Emily Arkuss

emily arkuss *

as boyle community players usher
Joseph McMahon

joseph mcmahon *

as boyle community players usher (cover sonny/cecil)
Adam Foster Ballard

adam foster ballard *

as glen, playing "the black guy"
Rose Leisner

rose leisner *

female cover/ addison-6/20/ rene-6/28
Kelsey Schulte

kelsey schulte *

as addison, playing "the young woman"
Ari Gwasdoff

ari gwasdoff *

as delaney, playing "bag man"
Mitchell Webb

mitchell webb *

assistant director

* Fringe Veteran

merely players