Caleb Stewart: The man, the myth, the legend. With over thirty years of dazzling both stage and screen, Caleb is no stranger to the spotlight. This marks his fifth valiant foray into the chaotic charm of the Fringe Festival.
After spending a decade lost in the metaphorical (and sometimes literal) wilderness—think “Into the Wild” but with better snacks—he’s finally returned to his roots, bringing with him stories, skills, and an impeccable sense of direction.
A proud card-carrying member of the Actor’s Equity Association, Caleb’s love for the craft is rivaled only by his passion for in-flight peanuts. He’s currently channeling his creative energy into a heartfelt documentary short titled “Golden Wings.” This project is a labor of love dedicated to his extraordinary mother, Robyn, who’s not just any flight attendant but an airborne superhero with an awe-inspiring 53 years of service at American Airlines. If you think dealing with turbulence is tough, try handling 53 years of passengers’ bad jokes and questionable carry-ons.
Whether he’s emoting under the bright lights or documenting high-flying family history, Caleb brings a unique blend of talent, humor, and heart to everything he touches. Buckle up, because this Fringe ride with Caleb Stewart is set to be unforgettable!