I loved this show! Wonderfully written and excellently performed by Ryan Vincent Anderson. I learned so much about the legendary Ira Aldridge through Anderson’s raw, brave, grounded, yet emotionally explosive performance. I was fascinated and inspired by the history and reminded just how much of a privilege it is to perform onstage…especially when diverse artists like Aldridge had to fight so hard for their place in the performing arts. I loved how Aldridge was played not as a superhero or perfect role model, but as an actual flawed human being with so many challenges of his own in addition to his bright, shining talents and wisdom. I also felt that although it took place in the 1800s, it was so relevant today, especially in light of our current racially charged society. How far have we really come? How much further do we have yet to go till there is true social, political, economic, and artistic equality among all? These questions and more stuck with me after the evening was through. I was moved and inspired. What more could you want from a solo performance? Truly beautiful work. See it!