This show was unlike anything that I have ever seen before, and everything about it was so beautiful. From the moment you step into the theatre, stuff is already happening, captivating you from the start and giving you a strong idea of what is about to come. I have become so inspired after watching the show, after listening to the poems of my peers, and seeing them being brought to life. You see so much vulnerability on that stage. Being vulnerable and putting your soul out in the universe is really scary. But after seeing that vulnerability and bravery out of those onstage, as well as of those who wrote those poems, you cannot help but feel inspired. Seeing all that reminds me that it is is such a great thing to put yourself out there, and do something daring and beautiful. The actors, the props, the text, the stories, the spectacle, everything made this show so wonderful. It is a work of art that everyone needs to experience.