Lydia Trueblood: The Black Widow of the Atlantic Coast

musicals and operas · traveling showcase productions · Ages 21+ · United States

world premiere
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DANNY HALOOSSIM certified reviewer June 09, 2014
Great songs, great story, great production. Everything was perfect about this performance.... full review
KATHLEEN CECCHIN certified reviewer June 09, 2014
This show is TIGHT. What lovely voices and smart lyrics. Clara Dyksyra is the bomb. I want an Annabelle spin off where she carries in her Mother's "business" and since she's mute Mom has to come back from the dead to tell the tale. ... full review
VINCENT GOMEZ certified reviewer June 09, 2014
This show is really fantastic! With some stunning performances from the leading lady, her daughter, and the sherif. ... full review
FRANCISCO BRACHO certified reviewer June 09, 2014
tagged as: musical theater · folk music
Banjos, accordions and murderous spurned women. What more could you want? Oh, how about a show in a bar with whiskey as a star. Yes Everybody Loves Lydia Trueblood.... full review
RYAN KAIN certified reviewer June 11, 2014
Great show and GREAT MUSIC! I may have to try to see this one again.... full review
JILLIAN PRADO certified reviewer June 11, 2014
I Laughed, I cried! It was great, music was very clever and witty! Liz Eldridge kept me hooked. She transformed into Lydia Trueblood and put on a great show until the very last minute. And her trusty side kick Clara Dykstra cracked me up with the best facial expressions! I can't wait until the next performance!... full review
IAN KLINGENBERG certified reviewer June 15, 2014
Amazing! Liz and Clara are the quintessential dynamic duo. Between the vocal and instrumental talents, this show is a must see! ... full review
[email protected] WEIER certified reviewer June 15, 2014
This show is truly fantastic! I so hope it goes on to live a larger life either with an extended run somewhere (I'll add that 3 clubs is the ideal venue) and/or that it gets developed into a full-length musical. It's witty and wonderfully well performed and it honestly could rival anything I saw teased on the Tonys last week... ... full review
ALAN GUILLEN certified reviewer June 16, 2014
I would highly recommend this show, it's rad!... full review
JOSH HILLINGER certified reviewer June 16, 2014
Powerhouse performance by Liz Eldridge. Smartly directed, fast-paced and clean. Perfect support by Clara Dykstra, the perfect Teller. Huge talent in this show. Even the lawman is engrossed the whole time. I mean dayum.... full review