Fat Pig

ensemble theatre · anglertheatre · Ages 14+ · United States

Fatty fatty two by four, couldn’t fit through the bathroom door. How long would you let others mock the person you love? Tom searches for the answer to that exact question after he meets (and finds himself falling fast for) Helen- the wildly intelligent, hilarious, seductive librarian who happens to be plus sized. With comments pouring in from his superficial yet well-meaning coworkers and his own insecurity, Tom is forced to dissect his own definition of beauty and weigh the importance of Hollywood inspired looks against being with the woman who makes him the most comfortable he has ever been.

Helen – Sage Martin
Tom – VonDexter Montegut II
Carter – Vic Kuligoski
Jeannie – Clare M. Ward

Director – Maggie Rogers
Stage Manager – Lizzy Robinson
Audio/Visual Manager – Tommy Wooldridge

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran