The Best of Craigslist: Live!

comedy · room 5 productions · Ages 12+ · United States

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June 18, 2014 original article

My overall impression

Based on the Funny or Die web series of the same name, this collection of verbatim craigslist posts serves as a fascinating kaleidoscope of humanity. The pieces range from relatable to silly to strange. Included in this production is a standard roommate search, a long-haired woman with a grooming fantasy, and a parachute for sale at a steal, though it admittedly failed to open on its last excursion. Each monologue seems hand-selected for its specificity; they could have only been written by the one person who did. While some posters are clearly in on the joke, others can only be absolutely sincere, brimming with a delightful lack of self-awareness.
Director John Picks creates some nice moments where the staging ….

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