

ensemble theatre · Fermented Apples · Ages 17+ · United States

world premiere
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INGRID WILMOT certified reviewer June 18, 2014
CAN’T TAKE MY (EYES) OFF OF YOU By Fiona Lakeland * ½ This is a play told in flashbacks, about a cute but wimpy guy, Stephan (Jeff Bowman), caught between two beautiful women. There’s Katherine (Melanie Alexander), a zaftig blonde with a gorgeous head of hair and a pleasant disposition, who has been his long time, platonic bosom buddy. His new love interest is Holly, (playwright Fiona Lakeland), a stunning, tall brunette who is moody, petulant, but exciting. It’s fun to listen to them bicker, even before the scheduled nuptials, like an old married couple that’s been getting on each other’s nerves for decades. The rest of the dialogue consists of a lot of small talk, the ending is unresolved and the story as redundant as the second “of” i... full review
can't take my (eyes) off of you