What I liked
I really enjoyed Janya’s avante-garde set design and how it reflected the dialogue so beautifully. It felt like a physical manifestation of the nature of her thoughts, and not just the thoughts and feelings themselves. She was able to convert what seemed like a haphazard living space into a fantastical innate domain through her expression and freedom of movement. For a character so imprisoned by her thoughts, she existed so beautifully amongst them.
What I didn't like
I find it hard to believe that all of this was conceptualized and created by Janya, but such is the truth. I wonder how much more intricate, magical, and psychologically thrilling it would have been if this play had a bigger budget and stage. This doesn’t mean I found anything lacking whatsoever, but only that it would be wonderful to see how this play could grow and develop even further for a larger audience to experience.
My overall impression
The play was raw, surreal, and powerful in its honesty. From the moment I entered the space I felt uncomfortable and curious, as Janya’s stage bled out into the audience seats. Through the journey of the play, I felt like I was diving deeper into her mind without even moving a muscle, and peculiarly enough I was pleasantly disarmed through her subtle comedy, and comforted by the moments of relatability to her story. The bizarre set seemlessly evolved into such a comfortable yet brutally vulnerable space, all due to the magic with which Janya was able to draw me in. This was a brilliant theatre experience, and I wish I had the opportunity to experience it again!