
North of Providence

Drama · Ivana Chubbuck Studio · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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north of providence


June 07, 2024 certified reviewer
tagged as: dynamic · moving · emotional

What I liked

The natural chemistry between the performers really brought life to this cozy theater. They came with a conversational ease that made the heavy themes relatable. By the end I felt like a member of their family. Set design *

What I didn't like

I wish it was longer! It felt like it went by so quickly.

My overall impression

I went into this knowing very little about the play and was pleasantly surprised about how conversational and natural it felt. I loved the set design and the meticulous artistic decisions and flourishes that elevated the experience. The performances were heart-wrenching and intensely moving. I loved watching these talented actors journey the multiple layers of their characters’ emotions.

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north of providence