
Late Sunday...

Drama · (being redesigned!) · Ages 12+ · United States of America

family friendly
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late sunday...


June 28, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

The laid back pace which nevertheless communicated the anxiety underlying the piece really well. The minimalistic look which nevertheless communicated the purported lush setting of the play.

What I didn't like

Dramaturgical intervention. The whole script and not just bits of it should have passed the muster of a dramaturg. An able dramaturg could have caught the incorrect Tibetan incantation, the dissonance between serving chai and chutney sandwiches and very Anglican names and informed the cultural baggage of the diaspora better. It seemed the team had done some of the fixes but had ignored others, which made the piece dissonant at times.

My overall impression

This was a good show albeit not great. It reminded me of aging relatives in India and aging members of the community here in the diaspora. As times change and children, grandchildren, and members of the community become embroiled in their own lives, members of our golden generations are faced with loneliness and the need to rediscover the vitalities of life. Unbeknownst to everyone though, the more virulent generation makes its own steady march towards embodying some, if not all, of what the golden generation stood for and eventually they become shadows emulating their predecessors.

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late sunday...