
Happily Divorced

Solo Show · N/A · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show
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happily divorced


July 01, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

The pacing of “Happily Divorced,” had me right along with Ruth every step of the way. The time flew by, and I couldn’t believe an hour had passed when it was over. Although this is a story of how a woman endures divorce, but then rises above the pain to come out an even better person at the end, I think anyone (woman or man) who has gone through a painful break-up will benefit (and gain insight) from experiencing Ruth’s story.

What I didn't like

Nothing. I loved it and I would see it again. I hope this show has a life beyond the Hollywood Fringe Festival.

My overall impression

Ruth Brandt’s show, “Happily Divorced,” is so well-written, with just the right balance of humor and poignancy. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this show, and I could totally relate to Ruth’s story on so many levels.

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happily divorced