
ICE CATS: A Dead Mother Traumedy

Solo Show · Orgasmico · Ages 21+ · United States of America

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ice cats: a dead mother traumedy


June 19, 2024 certified reviewer
tagged as: heartfelt · hilarious

What I liked

I loved how it was staged and Alli’s commanding performance. She unapologetically breaks down grief in a truly humorous way.

What I didn't like

Nothing. I thought it was exactly the right tone.

My overall impression

This show is a beautifully cathartic experience with laugh out loud moments throughout! Alli is a master at weaving grief and humor seamlessly. The staging, the musical parodies, and the brutal honesty will bring a tear to your eye from both laughing at the absurd situation she is put in as a daughter and feeling her tenderness from the loss of her mother.

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ice cats: a dead mother traumedy