

Solo Show · Heather Fink · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show
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June 18, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

The honest, humor and engaging pace of the show.

What I didn't like

I thought that some of the visual effects could be trimmed, if only because they could distract from the connection I felt with watching and listening to Heather.

My overall impression

Heather fink’s solo show is a brave, bold, oftentimes very funny take on a subject rarely confronted in our culture today. We often don’t want to confront the death of a beloved father. The burden of long-term care and the mixed emotions that situation actives in those closest to the suffering relative is dealt with in an honest, clear-headed manner that moves and entertains at different moments – and isn’t that what art is supposed to be? Adding to the power of this piece, Heather also confronts the fraught landscape of balancing her struggle with the search for authentic love and fulfilling work.

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