Andrew Henkes
ANDREW HENKES is a director, producer and scholar of performance history. Selected directing credits include Cheap Theatricks: A Celebration of Robert Patrick (APT 3F, 2014), Monkey See, Monkey Do (UCSB, 2009), The Farce of the Fart (UCSB, 2008), The Spickner Spin (FringeNYC, 2004, Theatermania Audience Choice Award winner), Meaningless Sex (FringeNYC, 2003, Theatermania Audience Choice Award winner), Kaddish in East Jerusalem (Theater for the New City, 2003), Think No Evil (2000), and Love’s Labour’s Lost (Glasgow West End Festial, 1999). With David LeBarron, Andrew founded queer performance company APT 3F in 2011. While at UCSB, Andrew had his debut as a sound designer for the UCSB main stage production of On the Verge in 2011. Andrew completed his Ph.D. in Theater Studies at UCSB where he did research ranging from medieval theater history to late twentieth century gay nightlife in Los Angeles. His writing has been published in the Journal of American Culture, and he currently serves as a lecturer at the University of Southern California’s School of Dramatic Arts.