Patrick O'Sullivan

Patrick Celtic O’Sullivan (yes his real name) plays alien Johnny Unitas on the ABC sitcom “The Neighbors” and also appeared on “Happy Endings.” He was seen in theaters last year in the horror film “Smiley” and is the creator of the hit stage shows All About Walken: The Impersonators of Christopher Walken and All About Jack (Nicholson). He also played Gary Busey in the wildly popular interactive show Point Break Live! and performs his one man show, Young Sully, across the country and a style of stand-up that blends the open honesty of his darkly humorous and unique upbringing with impressions and physical comedy. His talents have been seen at clubs all over the states like The Improv, Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, S.F. Punchline, Cap City (Austin) and the South Point Casino (Vegas). This fall Patrick is filming the mockumentary “Hallucinations of Fear” in which he plays Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, The ShamWow Guy, Walken and Busey all in one movie.

Patrick has also been seen on Comedy Central, Showtime, Fox, and CBS shows and produced a new documentary on Lenny Bruce titled “Looking for Lenny.” Patrick writes and acts for the booming internet channel Totally Sketch and voices Ronald Reagan on the online cartoon series Dino Yacht Club. This former rock vocalist, jazz radio D.J. and scoreboard operator for the S.F. Giants and 49ers pretty much likes to do every crazy creative thought that comes into his mind.

patrick o'sullivan