Laura Levites

Laura Levites is a professional stand-up comedian from New York City.  She has toured with Lisa Lampanelli, was featured in Comedy Central’s Meet the Creeps and goes up, nightly, in Los Angeles.

She is not for sensitive types. Her brutal honesty will weed most people off like medical schools do when they test on the hardest material to see what students actually want to be a doctor instead of just fancying the idea of it. The deal with Levites is that the idea of her is incredible and story-like. Tough, sweet, whatever. But the reality of her separates the boys from the men. 

 “Laura Levites is a breath of fresh air in a city that has none. In a bar with ten model-actresses in a row, Levites clears the room with one lift of an eyebrow. This show is a cosmic joke without a warning and she’s the last one laughing.”— Carlos Herrera, co-host of The Mostly Normal Show at The Hollywood Improv