See Edgar Allan Poe as you never have befo’! Written* and performed by Dr. Bradley Bobbs, with a clown raven dream dance by Alayha Aquarian, and a song about Poe by Paul Zollo & Darryl Purpose Performed by Musical Director and sound designer Daniel Collins and the band. _* with help from E.A. Poe and … Bob Dylan … really, Bob Dylan???
Experience Edgar Allan Poe’s signature dark, dank, dreary, dismal, discomposing, desolate, disconsolate, downcast, depressing, dejected, discouraging, disheartening, dispiriting, despondent, distraught, distressing, dismaying, discomforting, disconcerting, and disturbing side. And also his little-known comical side, when we take poetic license in imagining him doing parodies of himself!
Musicians: Janet Housden, E-Roy Hilligoss, Jon Wald & Robbie Strong
Other performers joining on some nights: Anthony Nevarez, Amy Aquarian, Michael Gardiol, & others TBA
The performance on Saturday, June 22nd 2024, @ 10:45 PM will be a LateNight PsychoDelicate TakeOver. A Psychedelic Circus Variety show, with psychedelic jam band.