Les Millénniables

ayla glass, kelly d'angelo, mary bonney · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 12, 2023 certified reviewer

What I liked

I loved the story and how effortless the whole show felt. Everyone looked like they were having a great time on stage. They all had great chemistry with each other and it really felt like a team. The jokes were really funny and the songs were a nice throwback. They use their space well and their use of props always felt intentional and appropriate. I also didn’t expect to love people singing their own phone rings, but I thought it worked REALLY WELL!

I loved the story of the triangle love affair. All the actors made me feel for them and their individual struggles of being in a relationship that isn’t how they want it to be. Very relatable, funny, grounded, heartfelt performances.

What I didn't like

I had a great time at the show. My only notes are more for the theater itself, as the couple shows I watched there had similar sound level balance problems. My recommendation to the audience is to get there early and snag one of the floor level or up to the 2nd row of seats. But no matter where you sit, you will have a great time.

My overall impression

A really fun show that will have you laughing and relating throughout (especially for millennials like myself). A wonderful ensemble piece thats very entertaining, with lots of great singing, and tons of laughs.

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