
Annie is Fancy

Musicals & Operas · Morgan Reynolds · Ages 16+ · United States of America

includes nudity one person show world premiere

About the Project


Dissecting their past as a queer sex worker, Morgan (Trans/Non-Binary storyteller and Los Angeles native) is turning their darkness into a disco ball! In this WORLD PREMIERE one person musical, Annie is Fancy, digitally and physically projects trauma through the lens of Morgan’s childhood joy and nostalgic escapism, the 1982 film ANNIE. Using queer anthems and the soundtrack of their youth, Annie is fancy superimposes the story of the famous red-headed orphan over Morgan’s life journey as a sex worker coming to terms with reality, decades later. Annie is Fancy uses projection mapping combined with musical storytelling, to visually remix classic cinematography and a playlist for a generational shift; physically projected onto the actor, stage, and venue itself, to create a heartbreakingly surreal (yet campy) visually diverse multimedia experience, never been seen before. It’s a party that challenges the narrative of gender, sexuality and growth. It will be funny, It will be uncomfortable, but your reaction will be personal. THIS PERFORMANCE INCLUDES NUDITY

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Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

annie is fancy