
Solo Show · brian eckert · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show

“It’s a miracle a picture like me can speak at all!” How do we fabricate ourselves? Can we ever pin them down? A play about the many selves of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Join us in this darkly funny and deeply wordy exploration of our nation’s Perpetual First Lady. Written by the 2004 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Austrian playwright and novelist Elfriede Jelinek. In a stunning English translation by Gitta Honegger. Directed by Brian Eckert and starring Everleigh Brenner. with production design by Jane Hamor and Joshua Moreno and marketing by Jess Fisher.

Production Team

brian eckert *


everleigh brenner *


jane hamor *

production designer

josh moreno *

production designer

jamie costin *

costume designer

james mura *

sound designer

jessica fisher *

social media/press

* Fringe Veteran