I will walk away with “Every library is an arsenal” The warnings of politics and religion speaking with once voice made my blood turn cold.
What I didn't like
Change the orange bow tie.
My overall impression
The Great Satan Speaks brought the spirit of Robert Ingersoll to the wise words he left for us. With a wink that brings you in and a tremble in his voice that speaks to a deep reverence for the subject and the message Ernest Kearney delivers a moving evening with the American philosopher Robert G Ingersoll. The writer/performer is thoughtful in his attempts to illustrate not only Ingersoll’s ability to cleverly turn a phrase but also why the great satan came to the progressive conclusions he did. You get the impression that while Ingersoll could easily have been one of the great manipulative grifters but for his own commitment to the words written by Shakespeare. “To thine own self be true”