What I liked
I loved everything about the show. The music was terrific, Eli’s voice perfect. The props (clothes, suitcases, an IV pole, etc.) were minimal but enhanced every scene. Eli’s use of the stage (the blocking) couldn’t have been better. Eli is a wonderful actor and created multiple characters both incredibly quickly and clearly. (For instance, he was Eli, then Shame, then Fear, then his own father, clearly each but moving seamlessly between them in just moments.) Joseph’s being on set to bring in props established his presence in Eli’s life, but then Joseph’s greater part in the play, both speaking and dancing, and their being a married couple in real life, worked well to create moods and drive home ideas.
What I didn't like
Improvement? I cannot think of one thing. Thank you, Eli!
My overall impression
Great art is both specific and universal. Out of the Blue was very specifically Eli’s story, one told with passion, humor, insight, detail and great talent, but judging by my own and the audience’s response, Out of the Blue spoke to us, resonated with each one of us too. That something so autobiographical, so personal, could be so fascinating is terrific; that something so autobiographical and personal could also be so relevant to every audience member . . . well, this is what makes great theater. And to see this play live, in such an intimate space, was a gift. (That being said, Out of the Blue could easily be performed just as effectively on a much larger stage. Absolutely.)