
Buskers Ball

Cabaret & Variety · WhatNot Theatrics · Ages 18+ · United States of America

About the Project

Joanna Tart is throwing her annual company party, Buskers Ball, to showcase top busking talent but when an unannounced guest arrives things start to go awry when it’s revealed that the serial killer, Mikey, is on the loose. Relationships start to fall apart, informants get jumpy and everybody is wondering if Mikey will turn up to spoil the party.

Buskers Ball features solo and duo routines created by the actors, woven into a narrative that includes spoken word and ensemble numbers.

Masks are required to enjoy this performance. Additionally, please have on hand either proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result (within 48 hours for PCR, 24 for antigen – home tests are not allowed)

Production Team

Dakota Bailey

dakota bailey *

detective casey (understudy)
Megan  Otteni

megan otteni *

dolly smart
Helena Geraci

helena geraci *

detective casey
Selin Genc

selin genc *

anora north
Emma Pierce Rempel

emma pierce rempel *

eloise/lilou (understudy)
Nyani Totty

nyani totty *

tessie jones (understudy)
Meredith McClure

meredith mcclure *

dolly smart (understudy)
Julienne Marié

julienne marié  *

anora north (understudy)
Erin Murphy West

erin murphy west *

eloise/lilou figg (understudy)

* Fringe Veteran

buskers ball