
Schmaltzy & Princie: Diary of a Not-So-Great Daddy's Girl

Solo Show · Soaring Solo Studios · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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schmaltzy & princie: diary of a not-so-great daddy's girl


June 25, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

MaryLee is such a skillful and talented writer.
I love that her characters dialogue are in poetic prose.
MaryLee is an excellent performer. Her characters were clearly different from eachother. My favorite was Aspy! She is so unapologetically ASPY’!

What I didn't like

Have more shows under your belt! Yay!

My overall impression

What a beautiful story of a relationship between a daughter and father.
I was absolutely Gobsmacked towards the end.
Totally did not see that coming. My heart ached for MaryLee. I could feel her
father desperately wanting to ease her pain from beyond.

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schmaltzy & princie: diary of a not-so-great daddy's girl