
Confessions of a Former Boy Detective

Theatre Asylum · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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confessions of a former boy detective

Review by anonymous

August 13, 2021 certified reviewer
tagged as: heartfelt · witty · charming

What I liked

It was the perfect length for its needs, its humor was grounded and honest, the build and release was so sound it was almost mathematical, the performer was tremendously talented, and charm, wit, and love shone throughout.

What I didn't like

Space limitations exist, but occasionally the lighting was a bit jarring, particularly the yellow-green. I think, also, it could be fun to play with (for both the existing jokes and possible jokes to come), playing with the idea of which jokes Daniel laughs at, which he doesn’t, and which don’t occur to him as jokes at all. Just an interesting idea.

My overall impression

This production was excellent. It was remarkably well-paced, engaging, and beautifully performed.

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confessions of a former boy detective