
IKIGAI - a purpose for living - / Hybrid Show

Ren Gyo Soh · Ages 10+ · United States of America

world premiere
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ikigai - a purpose for living - / hybrid show


August 22, 2021 certified reviewer
tagged as: beauty · gratitude · encouraging

What I liked

I especially appreciated seeing the emotional contrast that we experienced every day, not just through a spoken words or artificial expression, but through the entire body that we each own and visual effects that allow us to see invisible part of our emotion.

What I didn't like

I do not have any strong thoughts on any improvements. I have enjoyed the show very much!

My overall impression

Thank you for sharing a beautiful presentation about our life and taking me to the journey of appreciating our life. This show really spoke to the most vulnerable part of human beings and provided the opportunity to realize who we are. The multimedia presentation was used beautifully portraying the essence of the human life cycle as genuine as it can be.

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ikigai - a purpose for living - / hybrid show