The Road to Masada - Anti Semitism and Me

Solo Show · mitchell feinstein presents · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show

Today’s world is rife with race hatred of all types.  The rise of hate groups such as white supremacists and other groups that are anti- gay, antisemitic, anti-woman, and anti-people of color is rapidly spreading across our society.  In order to combat this rising hate Mitchell began delving into the history and source of antisemitism in the hopes that looking at the truth of the source of antisemitic beliefs could be an antiseptic to the disease of hate.  In a broader sense, understanding why hate exists and how it starts can provide a template for fighting stereotyping hate of all kinds.

We follow Mitch, and his History Machine, in a journey through time and space meeting historical figures, average and splendid, who show Mitchell his own history and the history of the world to discover the truth about the myths that support hate beliefs.

Through the examination of Mitch’s personal experience with stereotyping hate, the impact of all types of hate on the human soul are revealed.  Antisemitism stands as a proxy for all types of hate based on race, color, or sexual orientation.  It is Mitch’s hope that by shedding light on the source of this irrational behavior, we can all learn how to better fight this hate.


Production Team

* Fringe Veteran