Diamond earrings with a night dress. The usable costumes and props as the set design. Kristina Mueller does not go easy on us and it is fabulous.
What I didn't like
This is a personal preference in regards to the script, but Mrs. Trump’s experiences on the streets of New York felt almost too fleshed out. I would have loved for that section to bombard the character in a different way then the rest of the piece.
My overall impression
This show is a one-woman piece of art. Tinks Lovelace’s direction uses tasteful simplicity to swallow the entire theater in Mary Anne’s world- and if you are familiar with the Broadwater Black Box you know that is no simple feat! Kristina Mueller’s performance keeps us riveted to the journey, from her fabulous character transformations to Mrs. Trump’s memorizing habit of interrupting her current thought with the next one. With so few elements of spectacle, Kristina Mueller keeps our undivided attention with sheer talent. Troy Deutsch’s script is eerie, odd and the question it begs is one of the most insightful twists I’ve yet to witness at this year’s festival.