Silver Bullet

jesse feldberg · Ages 18+ · United States of America

world premiere
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JENNIFER LACROIX certified reviewer June 16, 2019
Love this Film Noir style play! The actors were very impressive. It played like a movie and was very well written. It not only had intense drama but witty humor strewn through out. Definitely a must see!... full review
DOAN STAFFORD certified reviewer June 22, 2019
"Silver Bullet" is an interesting look at "protected classes," people above the law.... full review
DANIEL FAIGIN certified reviewer June 23, 2019
Full writeup at My top level assessment after seeing the show? There’s potential there, but it does need some work (which isn’t a bad thing). It didn’t have a Fringe-y feel to it: the story felt put together, and the performances were reasonably good. Yes, there were some staging and performance notes, but those are correctable. More significant was the story: there is potential there, but some more shaping is needed to bring it to that next level. But it was a fun show, well worth seeing. ... full review
ETHAN FOWLER uncertified reviewer June 30, 2019
Silver Bullet was a story that complimented my love for a crime drama. As an observer the story was generic but the acting kept my attention and contributed towards my enjoyment. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 09, 2019
tagged as: mystery · Noir
Needs work. Choppy, too many scenes changes, extraneous information not connected up. Un-Humphrey Bogart ending... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 28, 2019
This play needs a lot of work from writing to staging. Many flaws.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 15, 2019
This was a play inspired by film noir, but if felt like it was written by some one unfamiliar with both plays and film noir. ... full review