I don’t really know anything about Autism or Asperger’s or being on the spectrum, but I feel like tonight’s show tried to help me bridge the gap between my ignorance and those experiences. It’s an intelligently constructed play, utilizing the meta-theatrical parameters of performance itself to lead me step by step toward the inevitable breakdown where I’m the one who’s different, I finally feel like I can’t interpret the social cues correctly.
Ultimately that’s because of Olivia Schlueter-Corey’s gap filling performance as a theater technician suddenly called upon to improvise in a well written scene beautifully performed. But everyone in the play is super talented. I bet Craig Shields can play every musical instrument. Esther Mira is a beautiful dancer as well as actor. And the production is clearly polished as well as earnest and smart. Kudos to director Tara Donovan and to all involved.