Two Legendary Hollywood Producers navigate neurotic starlets, authoritarian Austrian auteurs, poor waiter service, the changing times, monkeys, and their own inflated egos in the Forrest-Gumpian tale of how two self-obsessed assholes created everything in Hollywood ever.
Nickel Dickers is the story of hot shot producers Flint Springs (Breck Denny) and Dick Metro (Anthony Guerino) absurdly stumbling into originating a slew of Hollywood tropes, stars and salads. More broadly it’s poking fun at the archetype of the exploitative, power-lunching coverup artist of the Old Hollywood Producer (and the celebration of that archetype) struggling to deal with the karmic cause and effect backlash of its own excess and inhumanity. It’s a prescient satire about everything we celebrate, scold, love and hate about Hollywood culture.