
Expectations High

ensemble theatre · Take the Stage Long Beach · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere

About the Project

By Teens, For Teens (and anyone who has ever been a teen). Overheard humor, rumor, drama, trauma, bromance, romance and karma during passing periods in high school.

An original work created by a teen ensemble. Come back to high school – bypass the classes and teachers – and live for an hour in the middle of passing periods and Lunch, Expectations High looks at the friendships, conflicts, confrontations, negotiations, and navigations that take place in the hallways of high school.

Production Team

Dane Jamieson

dane jamieson *

actor - jack
Kyra Baklayan

kyra baklayan *

actor - annalise
Damian Santana

damian santana *

actor - vince
Degas Vienna

degas vienna *

actor - chambers
Grace Wilcox

grace wilcox *

actor - emily
Grace Stedman

grace stedman *

actor - ivy
Demi Vienna

demi vienna *

actor - haven
Ava Tomassini

ava tomassini *

actor - vivienne
Nico Fife

nico fife *

actor - joe
Kaelah Franklin

kaelah franklin *

actor - willow
Benen Falkner

benen falkner *

actor - barry

* Fringe Veteran

expectations high