
The Other Side of the Razor Ribbon

Saffire Productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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the other side of the razor ribbon


June 11, 2018 certified reviewer
tagged as: poignant · moving

What I liked

The musical accompaniment perfectly compliments the anecdotal stories used to illustrate the desperate spot the woman finds herself in. Especially moving is her description of her son leaving to go away to college. Another highlight is the letter from the prisoner thanking this woman for giving him hope, and a reason to keep living.

What I didn't like

The work feels a little lopsided. I could have used a little bit more emphasis on how working with the prisoner was transformative for her. Perhaps an excerpt from the book itself.

My overall impression

A poignant one woman autobiographical show show about a woman whose life is falling apart through a bitter divorce, who finds herself and salvation through helping a man in prison for human trafficking tell his story. A moving play about the power of stories, and how in sharing them, we can find our common humanity.

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the other side of the razor ribbon