

musicals and operas · Hennessey Productions · Ages 2+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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kookie clubhouse kingdom

Review by anonymous

June 18, 2017
IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot certify this reviewer attended a performances of this show because no ticket was purchased through this website or the producer has not verified they attended.

What I liked

The show is interactive with the audience and that the set and props were utilized well for the small amount of time the FRINGE allows between shows.

What I didn't like

The cast was not what I expected based on numerous FRINGE I’ve attended so far this year and past years. Also, the play that is geared for children talked down to children instead of “to” the children. Making is somewhat boring for the kids and hard for the adults to follow.

My overall impression

A friend saw this show last weekend and told me she loved it. So I went this weekend. Unfortunately, I do not share her opinion. Although the costumes are cute and music is “catchy”. The performances were not up to what I think are Hollywood fringe Festival Standards. Some of the lines were funny, the overall writing was lacking.

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kookie clubhouse kingdom