

dance & physical theatre · Madcap Creative · Ages 21+ · United States of America

world premiere
Add Your Review


June 09, 2018 original article

What I liked

They showcase an artistry behind what most people consider taboo subjects. They bring it to the forefront and it’s beautiful to watch. One scene in particular still has me amazed. The skill of how quickly it was set up (and safe). The profile of the woman in the middle of a spin. The peace she seemed to have felt. It was beauty personified.

What I didn't like

Nothing in my opinion. This show was great.

My overall impression

Every year at Fringe, there’s a show that you go into not knowing what to expect. You then see the show, and like it, but with the days following, you can’t stop thinking about it and the admiration and love you have for it just grows and grows. “Hush” is that show for me.

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