
SHAKESLESQUE (To Thine Own Cherry Be True)

cabaret & variety · Cherry Poppins Productions | CPC Theater · Ages 21+ · United States of America

world premiere
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shakeslesque (to thine own cherry be true)


June 12, 2017 certified reviewer

What I liked

broad use of double entendre and current songs for song and dance routines. cross dressing, reversal of sexual roles, bisexuality, lesbianism, homosexuality, implied incest, murder, suicide, and don’t forget the burlesque dancing and stripping, sometimes with hilarious results…a nicely tight back up band, great dancing and singing, costume changes galore with ingenious costume changes on stage in front of your very eyes…

What I didn't like

a few of the song and dance routines (although done very well) seemed to be fillers while other players made major costume changes…

My overall impression

Shakespeare would have loved it. truly. from the bawdiness to the use of current songs known by the audience….not unlike tricks the bard himself used…

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shakeslesque (to thine own cherry be true)