
Sapo Cancionero: Live your Heart out

comedy · A Joacovision · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere

About the Project

Encore Producers’ Award Winner!!


7/29 @8PM


High dive into the world of clown.
This is a solo show guided by a whimsically romantic character named,
Little Davis Jr. Although, he wishes his name to be something else, Antonio Banderas or anything else more fitting for his romantic nature. Nonetheless, he will serenade you with his lyrical passion for love. His quirky curious nature will show you the reflection of your wildest dreams possible. For where he comes from, the barometer for love is measured by your passion, and when people come together, he believes anything is possible.

Audience impression:

“Never having experienced a clown show since I was a wee child, I had absolutely no idea what to expect from an “adult” clown show. To say that I was blown away is an understatement in the extreme. From the moment Joaquin walks on stage he captivates everyone, and in minutes you can feel the whole audience falling in love with him and willing to go on his kooky journey wherever it leads. I watched with amazement as he seamlessly went from prepared material to improv, never missing a beat. I felt as if I were at the Taper or any Broadway house watching a world-renown master performing his unique art, much as I felt when I watched Marcel Marceau perform many years ago.”

Check out the rest of the reviews! Don’t miss this beautiful adventure!

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

sapo cancionero:  live your heart out